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21st CCLC Pathways

Pathways to success!

The 21st CCLC Pathways initiative is developed by the collective approach from three grants and two schools districts to provide educational services to students and parents residing in the town of Cicero and the city of Berwyn.

Our services are funded by the Illinois State Board of Education with the goal of (1) improving student achievement in core academic areas, (2) increase in student attendance and graduation, (3) increase in the social-emotional skills of their student, (4) collaborate with the community and l increase family involvement of the participating children, and (6) prioritizing students who are lowest performing and in the greatest need of academic assistance.

Experience 21st Century Pathways Program

"Exploration is a really great way to learn STEM. The activities we did at the university helped us to understand that learning is really fun!"


Participant, Summer STEAM Academy 2022



Cicero District 99

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